Since 2010
Final Fantasy VIII, Devil May Cry, The Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Castlevania.
I've made more than 40 cosplays.
Japan for me it is more than a dream, it is a real influence in my life, since I was a child I watched animes on TV, plays video games and grew up with them. As the years passing by I knew the culture even better and became more and more involved. I started cosplaying because of the games I love!
I'm Jessy, cosplayer and propmaker since 2010 and i've made more than 40 cosplays until now. This is a second time i'll represent Brazil in WCS and i sooo happy to "see" all of you again. I hope you like what me and my partner will bring to show you guys, so stay tunned!
In 2020 i won a video cosplay contest here in Brazil and i got a big amount of money as prize. Even a famous cosplayer Kamui was in the judge ( my video: >instagram )
Aerith Gainsborough
Since 2011.
Manga: NANA, Death Note, Fruits Basket, Paradise Kiss, Sugar Sugar Rune. Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Boku no Hero, Little Witch Academia, Nodame Cantabile, Re:zero. Games: Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15. Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Pokémon and Haverst Moon
Now I have 52 more or less. I have a room dedicated only for my cosplays and I hate have to sell them because I am very attached to them!
I think I was born in Japan in another life. I love everything about and it is one of my biggest dreams to travel to Japan someday. I love all the culture, food and clothes. I grew watching anime. Even my wedding was in Tanabata (7/7) and my husband is Japanese descent. So Japan means a lot to my life.
I always loved art, fashion, makeup, theater and self-expression. I found all this in cosplay. Cosplay give me all my best friends, my husband, a job, made me a streamer/influencer and improve all my skills. WCS is a dream to me cause now I can share my passion with all world!
I already was at the 2020 and 2019 final of CCXP from Brazil. I was 2nd place on the brazilian finals on Cosplay World Masters (CWM) and I am already a contestant to the current final to be hold. I already won many local cosplay contests too.