Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto is the series I've loved the longest, and I tend to enjoy other shonen manga and anime. But I also really love horror manga, especially the work of Junji Ito. I tend to like anime that involve spirits, such as Natsume Yuujinchou, xxxHolic, and more recently, Jujutsu Kaisen. For games, my favorite franchises include Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and The Legend of Zelda.
I've lost count of how many cosplays I've done over the years but currently I have around 15 costumes that I have really kept well-maintained and are better in quality because I put them together more recently.
Japan is a source of inspiring culture, both traditional and contemporary. Of course I enjoy pop culture, but even in other aspects of my life such as illustration and fashion, I find that I resonate with a lot of Japanese concepts and aesthetics. I have not had a chance to go yet, but when I see Japan through different media, sometimes I have this unexplainable feeling of nostalgia for this place I've never been to.
Hello! My name is Jin, I am an artist, and my favorite things to do are costuming, painting, and photography. I love storytelling through art, and that is what I hope our team can share with you through our performance.
Final Fantasy Game Series,Tales Game Series Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Hana Yori Dango
Now i have 6. The most i have at one point is around 15
Japan for me represents the culture that influenced me the most growing up and I'm really grateful it brought me to this amazing hobby that opened a lot of opportunities for me. Thank you Japan!!
Hello my name is Amado Carl Hernandez "AC" for short. I have been cosplaying since 2008. i started in this hobby as a propmaker making weapons/armors for friends. I learned so much from cosplaying and all those skills helped me a lot today.