* The representative of Saudi Arabia for this year will be an observer participant. (Exclusion of examination)
Young Genji
Jojo Bizare Adventures, Kimetsu no yaiba, Boku no hero, Berserk, Metal Gear series.
My Dream is to live in it! Thats what it means to me.
My name is Mostafa Aljamal, I live in riyadh Saudi Arabia, I’m an IT student at Arab Open University, I love reading about sunsigns, I'm a Pisces.
I love art and fictional characters! I started cosplaying at 2018.
My first public cosplay character was Todoroki from boku no hero at IGN event in Jeddah city.
After that I got into cosplay so much, Started learning crafting and designs, making armors, weapons & full cosplays.
I love Japan so much that I wish I can live in it! Anime & Manga are my joy.
I was a Judge In a cosplay competition at Nakama event, it was my first time judging so I was shaking haha, but it was a good experience to be added in my profile.
I love art and fictional characters! I started cosplaying at 2018.
My first public cosplay character was Todoroki from boku no hero at IGN event in Jeddah city.
After that I got into cosplay so much, Started learning crafting and designs, making armors, weapons & full cosplays.
I love Japan so much that I wish I can live in it! Anime & Manga are my joy.
I was a Judge In a cosplay competition at Nakama event, it was my first time judging so I was shaking haha, but it was a good experience to be added in my profile.
Game Nation Best Crafting armor, Batcon Best Group award, Anime Expo WCS representative 2020, Insomnia Best Group award, Aga park Best Group award, Judge at Nakama cosplay event.
Young Hanzo
Naruto, Kimetsu no yaiba, The promised neverland, Overwatch
Beautiful and amazing culture
" My name is Ibrahim Alsadon, I live in Al Ahssa, Saudi Arabia, I studied business administration and I graduated, I love reading about sunsigns, I’m a Leo. Born on 1/8/1997. I love art and fictional characters! I started cosplaying at 2018. My first public cosplay character was The Joker and Skeleton from fortnite from at IGN event in Jeddah city. After that I got into cosplay so much, Started learning crafting and designs, making armors, weapons & full cosplays. I love Japan and I’m so interested in their culture and history! Anime & Manga are my joy. I was a Judge In a cosplay competition at Nakama event, it was my first time judging but it was super good, made some mistakes though but I learned from it. was a good experience to be added in my profile. I have so many cosplay projects in mind I hope I can finish them all. "
Econ Best group award, Bahrain Comic con champion1st, Gamers con 1st group, Game Nation 1st group, Anime Expo WCS representative 2020, Insomnia Best Crafting award, UAE Gamergirl 3rd solo, Batcon Best group, Animania Best group, Aga park Best group.