Zero Two
End of 2014
Darling in the Franxx, Rising of the Shield Hero, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XV
Right now I have about 40. How many I've cosplayed I genuinely have lost count.
Japan is the home of anime and cosplay and I'm in love with the culture and language.
I'm a cosplayer from South Africa with a desire to make others and myself happy with my cosplay. I like performing and entertaining people, as well as creating a positive community and space for people to express themselves.
1st place in FanCon Cape Town 2018, 2018 WCS Representative, 3rd place in Comic Con Africa 2018, 1st place in rAge Expo 2019
Hiro (Code 016)
I started in 2013 with a closet cosplay (i.e. wearing clothing pieces out of my wardrobe).
Rising of The Shield Hero is my absolutely favourite! I recently finished watching Jujutsu Kaisen. And then I have a soft spot for romantic series such as Kamisama Hajimemashita, Fruits Basket (which is also tragic and sad), and Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji.
I only roughly have about 15 completed outfits at the moment. I have a few I am working on, and a few I plan on getting during the year. However, these outfits and characters are all special to me, and they all mean a lot. They make me feel special when I wear them!
It sounds dramatic, but Japan is my life. Ever since I can remember, I have loved Japanese culture and tradition. My parents threw countless Japanese and anime themed birthday parties for me as a child. I have tried my entire life trying to set foot in Japan, but unfortunately all other methods have failed. Therefore WCS is so important to me, as it is a mashup of all the things I love in my life, and may someday make my dream of seeing Japan come true.
I am a South African artist and cosplayer. Cosplay has always been an important part of my life, and I love looking at more cute and frilly characters. I prefer working on armour and props, over sewing. But I can also thoroughly enjoy a sewing project
3rd place for Sewing and Construction at Comic-con Africa in 2019 as Deku from Boku no Hero Academia