The Rose of Versailles
Maria Antoinette
Akatsuki no Yona, Inuyasha, Sakura Card Captor, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sailor Moon, Zelda Saga, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon
Now I have 25 cosplays but some of them are old and I can't wear them right now.
Japan means culture to me. The perfect blend of modernity and tradition. I have been passionate about Japan since I was a little girl and I met the culture through anime: the temples, shrines, celebrations, its natural landscapes, the food, the respectful and calm way it is japanese people… Japan is everything to me!
I’m a 33 years old girl in love with japanese culture. I like manga and anime, playing video games, reading fantasy and science fiction books, walking in nature… I am a phycologist and I also studied fashion design. Cosplay has been my passion for many years.
We have won some prizes in local contest, both in cosplay performance and video contest.
The Rose of Versailles
Lady Oscar
Marmalade boy, Sakura Card Captor, Evangelion, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sailor Moon, Zelda, Pokemon, Super Mario
Now I have 17 cosplays but some of them are old and I can't wear them right now.
It is so hard to choose what is the best thing about Japan! It is a unique country, with a distinct history and culture, beautiful temples, breathtaking nature, big technologically developed cities, amazing food… Japan is a country with a special place in my heart.
I’m a 32 years old pharmacist. Outside of work, I love traveling, I am also a foodie and I of course love manga/anime, video games, reading and cosplay! I share these hobbies with my partner in WCS, Miriam. Cosplay has developed a very strong friendship between us!
We have won some prizes in local contests, both in cosplay performance and video contests.