For cosplay events, "WCS" is the way to go!

The world's largest cosplay event,

世界最大級のコスプレイベント【世界コスプレサミット2024】愛知県名古屋市 8月2・3・4日の3日間の開催決定!

『NieR W◼︎rld C◼︎splay Rep◼︎rt 12024』

Ended on Sunday, August 4, 2024.

Thank you very much for your participation and visit!

W◼︎rld C◼︎splay Rep◼︎rt

A cosplay photo contest targeting characters from the “NieR” series. Entries can be past works or new ones. There is no limit to the number of applicants and entries can be submitted by individuals, pairs, or groups.
10 entries will be selected and awarded special prizes.
The results will be announced in the stage program at the World Cosplay Summit 2024. A special trophy will be awarded to the best entry, and other winners will receive special autographs and incredible gifts!


【Elegible titles】
・NieR Gestalt
・NieR Replicant
・NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139
NieR Re[in]carnation
・”YoRHa Stage Play”


【Application Period】
June 1, 2024 (Sat.) – July 14, 2024 (Sun.) 23:59 (JST)


【How to Apply】
Only accepted through the special form
*To entry, please log in your Google account

Applications are now closed.


【List of award-winning works】


【Terms and Conditions】

・All character and costume variations appearing in the “NieR” series  are eligible.
*Please refer to the list above for eligible titles.
*Logo, game screen, illustrations, model data, images, and other copyrighted materials can not be used (e.g, composited) in the entry.
・Applicants must be 18 years of age or older; those under 18 years of age must have the consent of a parent or guardian to participate.
・There are no restrictions on nationality or place of residence.
・Photographs taken and produced before this collaboration are also eligible for submission.
・Photos with multiple people are eligible for judging, but if the entry wins, only one representative applicant will be awarded and receive the prize. Please also obtain the consent of all other subjects in the photo before submitting.
・There is no limit to the number of entries. Each person can submit as many photos as they like.
・Costume modifications are allowed as long as they do not damage the character’s image and are considered within the scope of scene reproduction. Additionally, please consider safety when using props such as weapons for the shoot.
・Works that damage the original image, feature excessive exposure or are too sexualized are deemed inappropriate by the WCS Secretariat and will not be considered for judging.
-Works that damage the character image
-Works with excessive exposure or too sexualized
-Works using (including composition) materials that are prohibited under these terms or equivalent materials
-Works that infringe on third-party rights or have the potential to do so
-Any other works deemed inappropriate by the WCS Secretariat.


WCS Selection with NieR

On August 4, 2024 (Sun.), a cosplay runway event featuring the “NieR” series will be held at the special stage in Oasis 21.
Participants will walk the runway and pose on stage. We are accepting general applications for cosplayers to appear on this stage.
The runway show can be enjoyed both by attending in person and via internet live streaming.


【Elegible titles】
・NieR Gestalt
・NieR Replicant
・NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139
NieR Re[in]carnation
・”YoRHa Stage Play”


【Event Date】
August 4, 2024 (Sun.) (Time TBD)


Oasis21 Galaxy Platform  Special Stage


【Application Requirements】
・Participants must be able to attend the event in their cosplay attire.
・Participants must cover their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
・To participate in the runway, you need either a “Ticket for cosplay changing room(Including participation ticket)” or a “Participation ticket for cosplayers” for World Cosplay Summit on August 4 (Sun.). All group members must purchase their own tickets.
・Groups of 1 to 5 people can walk on stage together.
・There will be no rehearsals on the day of the event.
・The runway will be organized by series, so group applications with characters from different series will not be accepted.


【Application Period】
June 1, 2024 (Sat.) – June 30, 2024 (Sun.) 23:59 (JST)


【How to Apply】
Only accepted through the special form
*To entry, please log in your Google account

Applications are now closed.

*In the event of a large number of applications, the WCS Secretariat will select participating groups through a selection process.
*After the application deadline, the WCS Secretariat will conduct the selection process and announce the results at a later date (around July 16)


【Terms and Conditions】

・All character and costume variations appearing in the “NieR” series are eligible.
*Please refer to the list above for eligible titles.
・Applicants must be 18 years of age or older; those under 18 years of age must have the consent of a parent or guardian to participate.
・There are no restrictions on nationality or place of residence.
・Costume modifications are allowed as long as they do not damage the character’s image and are considered within the scope of scene reproduction. Additionally, please consider safety when using props such as weapons for the shoot.
・Works that damage the original image, feature excessive exposure or are too sexualized are deemed inappropriate by the WCS Secretariat and will not be considered for judging.
-Works that damage the character image
-Works with excessive exposure or too sexualized
-Works using (including composition) materials that are prohibited under these terms or equivalent materials
-Works that infringe on third-party rights or have the potential to do so
-Any other works deemed inappropriate by the WCS Secretariat.


OTAKU JUDGE NieR QUIZ・MASTER12024 ‐Recorders riddle game‐ Pre-Event


The official quiz app of the World Cosplay Summit, “OTAKU JUDGE,” and a collaboration event with the “NieR” series, titled “OTAKU JUDGE NieR ‐Recorders riddle game‐ ” have been announced! (Scheduled for autumn 2024)

To commemorate the event, we will be hosting a quiz competition titled “OTAKU JUDGE NieR ‐Recorders riddle game‐”

The top 10 winners will receive special prizes. We look forward to your participation and attendance!


【Event Date】
August 4 , 2024 (Sun.)(Time TBD)


Oasis21 Galaxy Platform Special Stage


*Seating capacity for the stage viewing area is limited. We kindly ask that attendees refrain from reserving seats in advance.